Property building in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario

Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario


Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosarioへようこそ。アルゼンチンのロサリオの中心に位置する魅力的な4つ星ホテルです。最低価格は$70で、このホテルはコストパフォーマンスに優れています。市中心部からわずか0.3マイルの距離にあり、ロサリオが提供するすべての観光名所やアメニティに簡単にアクセスできます。

1208件のレビューがあるので、Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosarioが優れた評判を持っていることは間違いありません。このホテルは、屋内および屋外のスイミングプール、ウェルネスパッケージを提供するスパ、フィットネスセンターなど、素晴らしいアメニティを備えています。街を探索した後は、サンデッキやテラスでリラックスし、併設のレストランで美味しい食事を楽しんでください。そして、ペットを置いていく心配はありません - このホテルはペットフレンドリーです!

Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosarioの洗練されたモダンな客室は、エアコン完備で防音設計されており、静かで快適な滞在を保証します。各客室には専用バスルーム、無料のバスアメニティ、薄型テレビが備わっています。フレンドリーで気配りのあるスタッフが24時間体制でフロントデスクに待機しており、あなたのニーズにお応えします。

ロサリオでの楽しい滞在に必要なすべてが揃ったEsplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosarioで、真の快適さとリラクゼーションを体験してください。今すぐお部屋を予約して、アルゼンチンでの冒険を始めましょう!

Photo of the whole room in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario


One-Bedroom VIP King Suite - Non-Smoking in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario


1 クイーンサイズベッド


410 平方フィート

Vip Suite, 1ベッドルーム






1 キングサイズベッド


540 平方フィート

ラグジュアリースイート, キングサイズ






3 シングルベッド

スーペリア, 3 シングルベッド




Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosarioに滞在すると、なんと2つの素晴らしいプールにアクセスできます。最初のプールは屋内にあり、年間を通じて利用可能で、天候に関係なく水に浸かるのに最適な場所です。そして、もっとリフレッシュしたい場合は、屋上にある2つ目のプールへ向かいましょう。この季節限定のプールは、街の素晴らしい景色を提供し、涼むための飛び込みエリアやリラックスするための浅いエンドがあります。屋上プールは大人専用であるため、リラックスして穏やかなひとときを楽しむことができます。

食事に関しては、Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosarioにはオンサイトのレストラン、Rock & Fellersがあります。このモダンなレストランは、アルゼンチン料理、国際料理、ラテンアメリカ料理の最高のものを強調した多様なメニューを提供しています。伝統的なステーキを食べたい場合でも、地元の風味を試してみたい場合でも、あなたの味覚を満たすものが見つかるでしょう。レストランのスタイリッシュな雰囲気は、全体的なダイニング体験を引き立て、素晴らしい食事を楽しむのに最適な場所となっています。

Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosarioでは、便利さが重要です。だからこそ、ホテルではアメリカン・エキスプレス、マスターカード、ビザ、ダイナースクラブ、マエストロなど、さまざまな支払い方法を受け付けています。自分に最適な支払いオプションを選択し、スムーズなチェックインとチェックアウトを楽しむことができます。

Facade/entrance, Property Building in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario


今日、Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosarioでの滞在を予約し、2つのプールを選ぶ贅沢、素晴らしいオンサイトレストラン、そして複数の支払いオプションの便利さを満喫してください。ロサリオでの快適で楽しい滞在があなたを待っています!

Photo of the whole room, Bed in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario
Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario










Spa and wellness centre/facilities, Swimming Pool in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario
Bathroom in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario


屋内の, 全年齢

オールシーズン, 温水, 浅いエリア

屋外, 大人専用

季節限定, 温水, 浅いエリア

Solarium, Swimming Pool in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario
Hot Tub, Swimming Pool in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario


Rock & Fellers

モダンな, アルゼンチン料理, インターナショナル, ラテンアメリカ料理

Restaurant/places to eat, Lounge/Bar in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario
Bathroom in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario
Garden in Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario
Breakfast had 3 options. I usually had café con leche, two croissants, orange juice. The pool is average small. I did not use the pool. The room is smallish. Has a fridge, but no kettle to make coffee/tea. Excellent water in the shower. Comfortable bead. One pays for the hotel itself which is a renovated old mansion, astonishing old architecture, in the heart of Rosario.


Breakfast included was excellent - pastries, toast, scrambled eggs, meats, cheeses, cafe con Leche, juices. Staff very helpful with advice on where to go for nightlife and suggestions for paying with cc versus cash Parking very convenient in next door parkade


The rooms were a good size everywhere you went was spotless ,the staff were very helpfull and being part of rockerfellows a big bonus. Staff in the restaurant were helpfull especially ĺflorencia basol, which really made my stay enjoyable thanks


The room was nice however with no direct day-light. Only a small window facing an internal corridor. Good breakfast. The staff is very kind and helpful. Rocio in particular was really great and kind.


The staff at reception, including case handlers and security were amazing. The room and hotel was amazing. I paid cash but didn’t get my invoice, they said online but nothing arrived yet


Breakfast had 3 options. I usually had café con leche, two croissants, orange juice. The pool is average small. I did not use the pool. The room is smallish. Has a fridge, but no kettle to make coffee/tea. Excellent water in the shower. Comfortable bead. One pays for the hotel itself which is a renovated old mansion, astonishing old architecture, in the heart of Rosario.


Breakfast included was excellent - pastries, toast, scrambled eggs, meats, cheeses, cafe con Leche, juices. Staff very helpful with advice on where to go for nightlife and suggestions for paying with cc versus cash Parking very convenient in next door parkade


The rooms were a good size everywhere you went was spotless ,the staff were very helpfull and being part of rockerfellows a big bonus. Staff in the restaurant were helpfull especially ĺflorencia basol, which really made my stay enjoyable thanks


The room was nice however with no direct day-light. Only a small window facing an internal corridor. Good breakfast. The staff is very kind and helpful. Rocio in particular was really great and kind.


The staff at reception, including case handlers and security were amazing. The room and hotel was amazing. I paid cash but didn’t get my invoice, they said online but nothing arrived yet


Breakfast had 3 options. I usually had café con leche, two croissants, orange juice. The pool is average small. I did not use the pool. The room is smallish. Has a fridge, but no kettle to make coffee/tea. Excellent water in the shower. Comfortable bead. One pays for the hotel itself which is a renovated old mansion, astonishing old architecture, in the heart of Rosario.


Breakfast included was excellent - pastries, toast, scrambled eggs, meats, cheeses, cafe con Leche, juices. Staff very helpful with advice on where to go for nightlife and suggestions for paying with cc versus cash Parking very convenient in next door parkade


The rooms were a good size everywhere you went was spotless ,the staff were very helpfull and being part of rockerfellows a big bonus. Staff in the restaurant were helpfull especially ĺflorencia basol, which really made my stay enjoyable thanks


The room was nice however with no direct day-light. Only a small window facing an internal corridor. Good breakfast. The staff is very kind and helpful. Rocio in particular was really great and kind.


The staff at reception, including case handlers and security were amazing. The room and hotel was amazing. I paid cash but didn’t get my invoice, they said online but nothing arrived yet



San Lorenzo 1022, Rosario, S2000ARH, アルゼンチン

Esplendor by Wyndham Savoy Rosario